Cyber Security Specialist

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Our client is a leading Bulgarian company with over 20 years of experience and numerous projects in the Balkan region related to the IT sector. Their mission is to improve their clients business operations with information and communication projects and solutions. Currently, the company is looking for an experienced professional to join their growing team as a:

Cybersecurity Specialist

Main Responsibilities:

  • Performs monitoring and technical interventions upon identification of a problem;
  • Performs implementation and configuration of cyber security systems;
  • Maintains information security, tightening the security of telecommunications systems;
  • Summarizes and visualizes data in online tools;
  • Programming of logic for calculating indicators, and creating diagrams;
  • Design, development, and implementation of tools for analysis and reporting. Audit and analysis of communication and information systems for potential attacks;
  • Participates in the development of policies and procedures for the Cyber Security Center;
  • Participates in the preparation of audit documentation related to ensuring information security.

The Client Offers:

  • Excellent working conditions;
  • Attractive salary package with included social benefits;
  • Additional bonus based on job performance;
  • Excellent opportunities for expanding qualifications and professional development within the company;
  • Work in a dynamic and challenging environment.   

Job Requirements:

  • Higher technical education and a minimum of 2 years of work experience in the field of telecommunications or network and information security;
  • Additional certificates related to information security, such as a certified ethical hacker, will be considered an advantage;
  • Experience in working with network monitoring, SIEM, SOAR, and ;
  • Theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of information technology, working with software products and networks;
  • Good command of the English language;
  • Driving license;
  • Good communication skills, ability to work in a team and interact with clients;
  • Application documents;
  • CV;
  • Motivational letter.


Apply and you will get the full broad information about your possibilities with HRS Bulgaria!

All applications will be treated strictly confidential.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Подобни позиции

Експерт счетоводни дейности с английски език

Нашият партньор е успешна компания доставчик на международни бизнес и платежни услуги. За малък и сплотен екип търсят нов специалист, който да се присъедини към екипа им на позиция: Експерт счетоводни дейности с английски език


Администратор на данни с немски език (гр. София)

Наш клиент в сферата на бизнес и застрахователните услуги и търси нови попълнения към екипа си в София. Ако търсите ново предисзвикателство, това може да е мястото за Вас!


Представител обслужване на клиенти с немски език

Разрастваща се международна компания в сферата на аутсорсинга търси нови попълнения към екипите си. Владеете ли немски език на високо ниво? Тази позиция може да е за Вас!
