Prefered Work Models
Has the time come when you want to stop working with an employee and you want it to happen in the best possible way for both parties? At HRS, we offer a solution with high added value that ensures a seamless process and satisfaction for the leaving employee.
Our process
We offer you a peaceful termination of the working relationship by showing understanding and empathy on part of the employer, while also protecting his rights and meeting some of his demands. In this way, the company maintains a good employer brand and an attractiveness to prospective candidates. This allows for a smooth transition of the process and to leave both parties unaffected.
In order to be as helpful as possible to both our clients and their employees, we offer full assistance from career consultants at all stages of the job search process to the employee who needs to relocate.
Here is what both parties get by going through this process successfully:
For employers
- Reduced risk of court claims and other legal cases, which also saves on legal costs;
- Optimised termination costs, in addition to saving time and resources to the HR team;
- Maintenance of the company's brand reputation.
For staff:
- Analysis of the labour market situation and career orientation through assistance in updating the CV and the cover letter;
- Upgrading self-presentation skills for better interview performance;
- Negotiating contractual terms to provide the employee with the most desirable career prospects.
Why is Outplacement necessary for every company
This type of policy is an excellent option for cementing a positive professional relationship between employers and employees, leaving the door open for continuing to work together in the future and getting referrals from former employees.
"All’s well that ends well". We'll make sure you keep your good reputation in the market and that all parties are happy with the process.
Our service is for everyone
We are trusted by small and medium-sized companies as well as companies with numerous employees. Our professional solution covers the needs of the entire market, and we save our clients a lot of time, effort, and resources by managing all their employees.
Our solution can be used to manage any type of personnel: